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2021-11-22 13:06

6 healthy habits that a child needs to have

Our parents taught us how to make our beds in the morning, brush our teeth, wash our hands after the street and a few other equally important skills. In this article, we describe six rather interesting and more global habits that children would benefit from acquiring and perpetuating at a young age.

1. Planning your day

The sooner a child learns to appreciate his time the better it is. The parent’s role is to teach children how to make good decisions like to draw up a timetable model, design classes and take into account all necessary activities during the day. It’ll help a child get more focused and more independent.

If you’re a teenager then you can think about specific goals and plans. By breaking each goal down into intermediate stages you will fill the free time with productive activities, set priorities and move closer to the realization of the dream.

2. Discover and develop new hobbies

Children are the first to suffer from uncontrolled watching of television and gadgets instead of playing games and hobbies, even though they are unaware of this. Encourage developing, active and creative activities, change of activities, acquaintance and real communication.

The desire for new knowledge and skills is inherent in children’s nature and a parent only needs to awaken them, nurture them and establish habits for useful work. You can engage in creativity, sports, IT, enjoy the process and see the result of your work. The ability to find your own way and ability to do it without outside pressure in the form of a strict parent, school or university is a very valuable skill for an adult’s success.

3. Tie up the looose ends

We’re usually happy with ourselves when we’re able to do everything or finish things that we’ve put off for so long. But the older you get, the harder it is for you to change your way of life and learn to quit halfway. This is why it is necessary to reinforce useful drags from childhood.

If it’s hard for a child to take on a new occupation, that’s fine. It’s like adults. You don’t have to push yourself. You can move towards a result by making small steps. Offer a voluntary condition, for example: «Learning a poem is difficult, but try not to be distracted for 20 minutes and nothing terrible will happen».

It would be great if you and the child could learn different motivational techniques together and add motivational elements to each completed case.

4. Think positive

Such a simple habit often helps to maintain enthusiasm and keep up with difficulties. The surest way to raise a successful person is to teach a child not to dwell on problems, see the beautiful in every little achievement and, of course, to give him unconditional parental love. Ask the kids to find their own positive moments at the end of the day and ask them what lessons they have learned from their recent failure.

5. Communicate well with other people

Another parent’s task is to teach the child to be responsive to the world, share his feelings with his friends in peace and come out painlessly from conflict situations. Typically, these kinds of details and patterns of behavior are best learned by children through their mom or dad. Show how nice it is to be generous, polite and honest and support your reasoning with stories from your life.

6. Take care about health and nutrition

It’s all like in a textbook. A happy person is someone who takes up sport, walks in the wild and eats healthy food. Tell the child that sport, a balanced daily schedule and a well-designed diet have a direct impact on the immunity, mood, and energy he spends on fun, communication and games. Even if it’s not obvious.

Imagine how much easier it would be to spend half an hour of exercise time reading a book a week, eating three fruits a day if they were our everyday business from a young age without doubts and thoughts. It’s a good thing that our children have the time and the opportunity to shape the necessary habits from the very beginning.