Ребёнок vs порядок. Как обстановка в комнате влияет на учёбу и настроение?
The understanding of order is different. For some people it is important that things in the wardrobe are arranged according to flowers. For some of them to exist calmly among mountains of clothes on chairs and empty cups of tea. In this article we tried to understand how different children and adults are affected by the home space and what the first steps to the family order should be.
What do psychologists think of children’s disorder?
For preschoolers, cleaning is the systematization of the space, so the kids themselves make order in the inner world. Not everyone gets it right. If a teenage child is surrounded by disorder, psychologists do not advise to interfere with his or her environment. Any complaint will only prolong the protest, even the son or daughter themselves are tired of the mess in the room. Recognize their right to personal space and try to do without reproach, which at least will keep the relationship going through a difficult adolescence.
You need the child to see for himself the problem in the mess. You can’t invite friends to your room. He can notice that some things are always lost and clothes are a little wrinkled, etc. Nice and clean space, clean appearance, lessons done on time motivate more often to go out and concentrate on new cases.
What’s wrong with a mess?
Every adult feels that in a mess it’s harder to focus and just find the right thing. Scientists wanted to know what else the environment does to us.
Researchers in Spain found out how the surroundings affect the accuracy and accuracy of simple work. One half of the subjects entered the text into the computer while in a cleaned room. The other half worked in a mess. Although the sample was small (only 80 people participated in the study), scientists proved that conscientious and knowledgeable employees made fewer mistakes.
Joseph Ferrari, a professor of psychology from Chicago, as a result of the «Dark Side of Home» study, found that cluttering negatively affects relationships between people and their sense of self. Psychologists at Princeton University have found that the abundance of space also reduces the ability to focus on the right problem.
Besides, people at a kitchen that’s a mess eat twice as much cookies as a clean, clean kitchen. Researchers in the United States have found that it is more likely to choose unhealthy food or snacks in domestic chaos and in order to be healthy, it is easier for a person to concentrate and keep in shape.
How do we teach each other to keep things clean?
If you’re worried that a young kid doesn’t get his stuff out of the way in time, you can try to keep it in play:
Hide clues to collect behind scattered toys. For example, three coins or refrigerator magnets;
Make an entertaining clean-up map, reward the tidying up of the parcel, compete the fastest;
Coming up with different scenarios, praising each other loudly, doing everything with family members.
Teach the children to minimize the room from an early age, so it will be easier to maintain order. Ask a child or a teenager to look through old photographs or clothing shelves in search of notable finds.Small changes will spur others to defer, raise spirits and increase the sense of control over their lives.
The best way to get a teenager to get out of their little chaos is to put the rest of the apartment in perfect order and try to free space from useless things. While watching the household environment being cleansed of dusty objects, a son or daughter will also want to part with non-functional items and old clothes and cleaning is not far away. The extent of the disorder may vary, but the main feature is that things have no place in the house. Help each other understand where every detail should lie.
A lot of adults and kids are perfectionists, they don’t start cleaning if they don’t know what’s gonna make it perfect. Remember, any man would feel a little better if he picked up a box of things waiting to be sorted.