The scourge of modern man is a waste of time. Our task is to find opportunities for recuperation and take care of ourselves in a turbulent and irregular schedule.
We know how hard it is for you to keep up. We will need planning, we will return to it in more detail in the following paragraphs in order to effectively combine childcare, office work and a unique hobby .Combine similar tasks into the block according to the baby mode. For example: Morning (children are active) for cooking and home duties. Day (walking and sleeping) for self-development, work. Evening (household wants attention) for communication with husband and children, private time (children can watch cartoons and you can take a hot shower).
The most important mission of planning is to harmonize life completely, help you to be happier and more fulfilled. Focus on every facet of life, make a target list for at least a year, and better write it for 10 years. The goals must be very different, including personal, family, hobbies, work and community.If it is not possible to delegate home affairs, try the FlyLady maintenance system. It’s the cleaning system and the housekeeping principles that will free the space from unnecessary things and you from routine actions.
Some processes, like buying groceries or new things, can be automated if you order regular deliveries or fittings, perhaps even cheaper. Simplify household affairs to the maximum use of equipment in the household.