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2021-11-22 14:43

The kid is shy in class. How do you help him?

A lot of kids go straight into class, but it takes a little longer for someone to open up and trust a teacher. We asked Andrey Karmanov ,our teacher, what the reasons for this behavior are and what techniques he uses to help the kids get into the learning process and overcome shyness.

The first cause of embarrassment is the external environment

Shyness is most often found in preschool. It can be a feature of age or a reaction to sudden stress.

Group work will help overcome shyness. It is easier for children to interact when they see a friendly environment. It is in the interest groups that students find friends and like-minded people, collaborate and create common projects. We promote close games and classes at Kodland.

“The discussions in the classroom and the stories about themselves help to open up, '' says Andrei. - When students send their work to the public in a chat room, a full-scale discussion begins. This is very cool because it encourages others to drop their work” .

To overcome shyness, play board games with the child, create home plays and have family discussions. Tactfully tell the kids how to get acquainted and play different models of communication. If you model different situations and explain how to behave in them, it will be easier for a child to face it in real life.

The second cause of embarrassment is a subject of study

Children feel insecure if they do not understand something, so we quickly solve problems with gaps in understanding of a subject in our classes at Kodland as well as look for approaches to make lessons interesting.

«I try to hear the thoughts of everyone to make students feel more comfortable in classes, praise them for trying, share stories from the world of IT if they are connected with the material of the lesson» .

Research shows that children are more involved in the learning process when they feel that the subject is related to life outside the classroom and other school subjects.

The third cause of embarrassment is the teacher himself

In class, we motivate teachers to communicate more easily, but maintain a chain of command. We respect and are interested in the opinion of the child. We keep interest in the IT sphere.

«‎Guys almost always associate the subject with the teacher. That’s where informal communication comes in. It is easier for children to communicate with the teacher if they can safely address him with any question» .

Many adults who suffered from uncertainty as children recall not their shame, but their parents' dissatisfaction with it. Find out the cause of children’ shyness through a simple, trusting conversation with a son or a daughter. Give emotional support: do not focus on children’s failures, but rather support courage and initiative with words and a smile.